FLO LMS - Desktop
How do I Access FLO LMS?
FLO LMS is available on desktop & mobile web browsers and can be accessed via:
This link: https://flo.carereality.io
Copy this link and paste it into a new tab in your browser: https://flo.carereality.io
On this screen, enter your email & password for your account.
Access to FLO is currently by invitation only. If you require access but have not yet received an invitation to FLO, contact your VR Learning facilitator.
If you are a facilitator and are experiencing issues, contact Care Reality via Technical Support.
LMS Navigation
Each user has these options available to them in the navigation bar on the left side of the FLO LMS:
Dashboard - view account dashboard
Progress - track learning progress
Account - view and modify account information
Log Out - log out of FLO LMS
Admin users have additional options available to them:
Learning Programmes - view available Learning Programmes & resources
Manage Users - view & manage user learning progress & account information
FLO LMS Dashboard
The FLO LMS Dashboard displays a snapshot of your account information & learning progress. You will have access to different information on the Dashboard depending on your user type (Learner/Admin).
Learn more about User Types on our Managing Users page.
Learner Dashboard
Learner’s can view a summary of their latest progress and see what content is recommended to be completed next.
Admin Dashboard
Admin’s can view a summary of the activity from their organisation’s account including currently active users & latest user activity.
LMS Page Help
At the top of each page on the LMS, there is a blue help button which will open a link to helpful resources for the page you are currently viewing in a new browser tab.
If you require further assistance, please check out these support pages: